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Two Reasons Why Employee Giving Helps Retention

July 28, 2017
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Two reasons why employee giving helps retention

Most employers intuitively know that engaged employees, employees that are enthusiastic about and committed to their work, make better workers. Yet, a 2015 Gallup poll revealed that only 32 percent of employees feel engaged at workplace. There’s no better way to counteract these statistics than with a coordinated and strategic employee giving campaign.

Here are primary reasons why:

  1. Employee giving helps workers feel engaged and committed to their company and their community

You don’t have to look far for the evidence that workplace engagement is spurred on through employee giving. According to Cone Research, 79 percent of people prefer to work for a socially responsible company. A well-designed campaign, as part of an overall corporate social responsibility program, can increase employee retention by as much as 7.5 percent and reduces turnover by as much as 50% Project ROI reports.

Volunteer days and efforts are an important part of an employee giving campaign as they deepen employee engagement thereby leading to less employee attrition and more satisfaction in the workplace. Dale Carnegie and MSW Research showed that: 54 percent of employees are proud of their efforts to better their community through service are engaged at work.

Employee matching demonstrates company support of employee’s individual causes

Matching programs are one of the most popular giving options and there’s a reason why: 70 percent of employees, polled by Cone Research, believe that companies should match their charitable giving.

Matching gifts not only doubles the employee’s impact to a cause they care deeply about, but it further demonstrates that the business cares not just about their own profits, but the world around them and the causes their employees hold near and dear to their hearts.

 Employers are noticing the difference matching programs provide employees and are adapting quickly. A study conducted by America’s Charities revealed that 87% of employers believe that employees expect them to support cases and issues that matter to those employees.

 A matching gift is a vital part of an employee giving campaign. Matching programs meets employee’s expectations about their company is expected to provide and allows businesses to connect with their employees.

 Employee giving campaigns strengthens the relationship between employee and employer by satisfying workers’ desire to give back to their community through the workplace. The deepened engagement resulting from an employee giving campaign creates a more committed and invested employee thereby increasing retention.

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