Employee giving and workplace giving initiatives are great ways for organizations, both small and large, to strengthen ties to the communities they serve. Hiring an outside partner to assist with your program can help immensely, providing needed support to employees who don’t have the bandwidth to manage the initiative, while ensuring that the campaign is engaging team members and achieving results.
Unfortunately, if you hire the wrong partner, you may find yourself with more work than if you handled the campaign internally. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Here are three things to consider before you hire a partner to help your initiative.
- 1. Easy to Build Engagement
Employee engagement is critical to the success of any workplace or employee giving campaign. At a very basic level, partnering should make it easy for employees to donate, and provide varied ways for employees to engage with the initiative. It should be easy for team members to share participation with their social networks and challenge colleagues in the process. A partner solution should simplify the giving process for employees and provide added value by building multiple points for employee engagement throughout the campaign. Here are some key questions to ask your partner:
- How are you able to drive urgency with the campaign?
- How can employees leverage mobile to support the campaign?
- How does the solution drive employee engagement and enable colleagues to challenge each other to participate?
2. Build Alignment with Additional Employee Programs
You know your organization. You know what has worked and what won’t, given the structure and culture of your company. A vendor or partner should easily supplement any current initiatives or processes you need to keep in place. Whether it is reporting capabilities or events, ensure your partner has a plan to draft into what’s currently in place. This point is especially true when you’re considering a mobile partner. Consider these questions:
- How can mobile maximize your time organizing the campaign?
- How will the mobile giving platform provide needed metrics?
- How will the mobile platform ensure employee gifts are tracked and the funds reach the right charity?
The path to alignment with your current efforts should be clear before you sign up with a partner to ensure an effective fundraising partnership.
3. Tax Documentation
The benefits of the tax write-off is one benefit that bolsters people’s propensity to give to an organization. When you’re running employee giving campaigns for hundreds, even thousands of employees, providing that documentation can create an administrative headache. Your partner should make reporting easy on you and the charities who are part of the campaign. These questions can help you better understand how they should support the tax documentation process:
- How are you able to provide electronic documentation for the donor?
- What are my responsibilities as the key company contact to make sure those letters reach the donor?
- How does this process simplify the reporting process for the charity?
4. Ensure They’re Invested in Your Success
- How many times have you been on the phone with a potential partner that promises the world, but when you sign the check they disappear and leave you to fend for yourself? An employee giving partner should be invested in your success, helping you utilize mobile nonprofit technology to capitalize on the platform’s capabilities, and provide ongoing support and guidance as you work to incorporate it into your initiatives. They should advocate for your cause and have a vested interest in your success.
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